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Welcome Letter

It is our great honour to welcome you to the 2019 AGN-Starburst Meeting, hosted by the  National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).


The Guizhou meeting is the 6th of a series of conferences on AGN-galaxy connection, aims to bring together international observational and theoretical experts, to review the current status of our understanding of the AGN-host galaxy connections. We will review insights from combining multi-wavelength information from across the electromagnetic spectrum, and bridge observations, theory and simulations to focus on the following aspects:


1: AGNs have been found in starburst galaxies. What are the physical mechanisms that connect starbursts and AGNs,  and with what observational signatures?

2: What are the key synergies between AGN and galaxy observations at different energy bands? How are the observed properties in X-ray, optical, infrared, sub-mm and radio related and/or connected to one another?

3: What further observational and/or theoretical work is required to predict and find signatures of feedback or other mechanisms contributing to the boosting or quenching of star formation and/or AGN activity in galaxies?

4: In this era of large surveys and new telescopes including ALMA, JWST, and China's 2m, what potential observing programs, of individual sources, samples, and/or surveys, should we be planning to address the above questions?

With new space telescopes being designed and assembled, like JWST, China's 2m, and next generation giant optical telescopes, it is now timely to answer these fundamental questions, the answers to which may influence the design and observational plans to best use these investments.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for Abstract Submission:  April 30, 2019 (expired)

  • Abstract Acceptance Notification:   May 1, 2019 (expired)

  • Deadline for Early Registration:       May 15, 2019 (expired)

  • Deadline for Regular Registration:  June 15, 2019

  • Deadline for Late Registration:        July 15, 2019


National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences

A20 Datun Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 100012


Webmaster: Hai Xu 

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